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1st Anime Review – My Love Story!!


(Spoiler free review) This is an adorable romantic comedy anime about a high school jock student name Takeo Goda who gets his first girlfriend and a must see for someone that loves romances. The story follows the relationship of Takeo and his girlfriend Rinko Yamato, but it also involves his best friend Makoto Sunakawa (Suna). It started as a manga with the same name by Kazune Kawahara. I have not read the manga so this review will be specifically on the anime.

I really enjoyed this anime. Rom-coms have a huge place in my heart and this anime did not disappoint. It goes through the good and the possible bad of relationships which I love but, it did focus more on the good side of relationships. The good side of relationships in the anime: they went on dates, both got their first jobs, met each other’s friends, etc. The “bad side” of relationships in the anime: dealing with jealousy, miscommunication, and having others interested with their significant other. I will say that I feel this anime focuses on Takeo’s relationship with Suna even more than his relationship with Yamato. They have been friends since Kindergarten and the anime goes into their history a lot so you will see a lot of flashbacks. Also, I don’t think there is an episode that Suna was not in. He was in every episode and was used to help Takeo and Yamato progress in their relationship. He is a true friend to Takeo and I appreciate him a lot. So, it’s great to see that he is such an important character in this anime and gets all the screen time.

A few episodes were spent getting the couple together, but this segment didn’t feel too slow. The fun things that you do as a couple did happen very slowly though, such as the “first kiss” (every romance has to have one). If you’re looking for a romance that gets hot in the bedroom, this is not the one. Takeo is a true gentleman and would never think of doing that until marriage! He had a very specific time frame that he had planned to give Yamato their first kiss. Which was a pretty funny scene.

I do enjoy seeing into the lives of other characters especially someone like his best friend. The situations and problems that Takeo and Rinko faced were handled well, and HANDLED. There wasn’t a weird cliffhanger at the end of the anime so it felt complete. This makes me feel that there may not be a season 2 due to how the story ended, but at the same time I wouldn’t be surprised if there WAS a season 2 due to the popularity of the manga. I definitely had my laughing moments (as mentioned with the first kiss situation) but also Takeo is such an EXTREME character while Suna is beyond calm, cool and collected and Yamato is so cute and petite but, shows her excitement about things in her own small way.

This anime is very clean and I don’t even think I cannot recall seeing curse words (seeing because its in Japanese and I had to read it). The art was beautiful, characters were drawn well and detailed and the opening was the cutest. I had to add the opening song to my music list because I love it so much.

Catch My Love Story!! on Hulu. It has an average number of episodes (24) so it should be a quick watch and the manga is 13 volumes long. I hope you enjoy! Let me know how you feel about this anime in the comments below.




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